1. Tools for creative problem solving

1.5. Technique: 6 thinking hats

The Six thinking hats technique, developed by Dr. Edward de Bono, is a powerful tool for improving decision-making, problem-solving, and creative thinking. It encourages individuals and teams to explore a problem from multiple perspectives by "wearing" different metaphorical hats, each representing a distinct mode of thinking. This structured approach allows people to switch from emotional to analytical or creative thinking, ensuring a balanced view and helping to avoid groupthink or biased judgments.

The Six thinking hats and their roles


How the Six thinking hats work

During a group discussion or decision-making process, participants metaphorically "put on" one of the six hats to approach the issue from the designated perspective. Everyone in the group might wear the same hat at a given time, focusing collectively on one type of thinking, or different people might wear different hats to offer contrasting views.

Benefits of the Six thinking hats technique

In essence, the Six thinking hats technique is a flexible and effective tool for both individual and group problem-solving. It fosters balanced decision-making by encouraging participants to think from multiple perspectives, making it easier to reach a well-rounded conclusion.

Do some practice. Practical task. Six thinking hats technique

Objective of the task: to use the Six thinking hats technique to evaluate the decision from different perspectives and help you make a well-rounded choice.

Practical task. Buy a new laptop